News from France crafted in your language.
The Syrian dictator is not the first satrap forced to pack his bags. Welcomed by Vladimir Putin, what will become of him?
"No place has been spared," said the resigned Minister of the Interior, Bruno Retailleau, on Monday during his whirlwind visit to the island. Almost three days after the passage of Cyclone Chido, reinforcements and rescue efforts are gradually being organized in the poorest department in France.
Despite a locked communication, several staff members of the only establishment in the archipelago testify to the situation after the passage of the hurricane on Saturday, December 14.
Inspired by the traditional dinner for media correspondents at the White House, the event organized by the American political news site named Italy's Giorgia Meloni as "the most powerful personality in Europe."
By preferring to attend a municipal council meeting in his city of Pau, rather than go to the devastated archipelago, the Prime Minister has made his first mistake, and it is not a small one.
A man arrested on July 28, 2024 denounced violence suffered on the premises of the police station in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. The use of video surveillance images made it possible to partially confirm his account, leading to the officers being taken into custody on December 11.
A homemade device placed on an electric scooter parked near the building is believed to be the cause of the explosion on Tuesday morning. "The commander of the Russian Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense Forces, Igor Kirillov, and his deputy were killed," according to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
With a call to rethink the law on the non-accumulation of mandates, bilateral talks to form a government, the new prime minister is freeing himself from the head of state, after having imposed himself on him.
After the far right, the centre, the Socialists and the right on Monday, the new prime minister will receive representatives of the Greens, the MoDem, Horizons, the independents of LIOT, the Communists, and the former Les Rรฉpublicains Eric Ciotti. Mr. Bayrou will also spend his first major oral in the Assembly by answering, alone, the questions of the deputies.
The shooting took place at a Christian school in Madison, Wisconsin, where the young girl suspected of the shooting, who appears to have committed suicide, was a student. Six students were also injured, two of whom are between life and death. Joe Biden called the shooting "shocking and unconscionable."
Discovered in 2008 at the bottom of the Charente, the remains of the boats were slow to be excavated. The campaigns carried out since 2015 have revealed the importance of this archaeological heritage and the need to protect it.
The emergency text intended to avoid the shutdown was unanimously adopted on Monday by MPs. But already bitter debates are emerging on the measures to be taken to deal with the budgetary crisis.
Three weeks after the first 135 job cuts, a new branch of the steelmaker is due to present a new redundancy plan on Wednesday, according to our sources. This is yet another piece of bad news in a sector of industry that is suffering in Europe.
Abu Mohammed Al-Joulani also announced that the factions that contributed to the fall of Bashar Al-Assad will be "dissolved", and their members integrated into the army of the new government.
The fall of the Syrian dictator has brought to light the acts of torture perpetrated by the regime against its people. A system set up by his father, Hafez al-Assad, helped by Adolf Eichmann's former right-hand man.
After the devastating cyclone has passed, the political authorities should not move on, as is often the case, and forget to tackle the root causes of poverty.
During a debate on the great national cause of mental health, various personalities from various backgrounds pointed out the need to play collectively.
It is possible to eliminate the public deficit without going through austerity, say economists Laurent Cappelletti and Henri Savall in an article in Le Monde: a vast managerial reform, carried out in all public organisations and companies in the country, would make it possible to free up several tens of billions of euros in one year.
The publisher and lawyer in France of the 80-year-old author, arrested in Algeria a month ago for undermining the security of power, expressed their concern on Monday evening (December 16th) during a support evening organized in a Paris theater.
The Syrian jihadist stages himself with his face uncovered, breaking with the taste for Islamist secrecy, as a duplicitous pledge given to the Western videosphere.